“Ganesh Agro Tourism” is a dream project of Mr. Ganesh Ashok Ranade and family. The farm is 40 Acres of land with more than 2000 plants of Alphanso Mangoes and agro Tourism. Farm is located in the middle of Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg District. Just 4 km.inside to Mumbai – Goa Coastal Highway, and 30 km. from Mumbai – Goa National Highway.
Mango hill is a joint adventure under the guidance of Mr. Ashok Ranade. Farm in a single fencing. After a careful planning and analysis of land, 40 Acres has been developed into commercial farming of Mango plantation. And now new projects include Agro Tourism, and Mango Products (Organic Mango Pulp Mango Pickle etc.) Organic Mango other related activities. The development of the project is on its way towards success and we still have to explore much more.
Agro Tourism - Definition
Agricultural Tourism is the Holidays concept of Visiting a working farm or any agricultural, horticultural, for the purpose of enjoyment, education, or active involvement in the activities of the farm.
The concept of agro tourism is a direct expansion of ecotourism, which encourages visitors to experience agricultural life at first hand.
Agro tourism is widespread in Konkan. In Ganesh Agro Tourism Agro tourists can choose from a wide range of activities that include picking fruits and vegetables, or shopping in farm gift shops and farm stands for local and regional produce.
Tourism is becoming increasingly important to the economy. Agricultural tourism or agro tourism, is one alternative for improving the incomes and potential economic viability of small farms and rural communities. Some forms of agro tourism enterprises are well developed in Konkan, including fairs and festivals. Other possibilities still offer potential for development. In India Small Farm Center has developed a Konkan Agro tourism Database that “provides visitors and potential entrepreneurs with information about existing agro tourism locations throughout the state.
Agro tourism projects reinforce the need to support local growers and sources and allow the visitor to experience what it is to be part of the land…
The publication Promoting Tourism in Rural India explains the need for planning and marketing your rural community and weighing the pros and cons of tourism. According to the publication, local citizen participation is helpful and should be included in starting any kind of a tourism program. Citizen participation in planning tourism can contribute to building a successful program that enhances the community.